
Cookery afternoon with overcooking
Tuesday, 18 February 2025, 3 – 6 PM
Location: Kiosk Zur FÜRstin, at the level of Appenzeller Strasse 127

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The neighborhood program in the FÜRstenried West district

There is a lot to discover in the FÜRstenried West neighborhood in Munich: Through the neighborhood program of the FÜRstenried West district neighborhood program offers residents numerous places, offers and activities so that they can rediscover and make the most of the open spaces on their doorstep.
These include, for example, the garden islands and the open-air neighborhood room.
There are also regular small activities and events in the neighborhood to which we would like to invite you!
You can find all the latest information and impressions on this website! in cooperation with:

The neighborhood program in the FÜRstenried West district

There is a lot to discover in the FÜRstenried West neighborhood in Munich: Through the neighborhood program of the FÜRstenried West district neighborhood program offers residents numerous places, offers and activities so that they can rediscover and make the most of the open spaces on their doorstep. These include, for example, the garden islands and the open-air neighborhood room.

There are also regular small activities and events in the neighborhood to which we would like to invite you!
You can find all the latest information and impressions on this website!

in cooperation with:



What events and dates are currently planned?

In the FÜRstenried West quarter, there are always small events and activities to which we cordially invite you. Here you can keep up to date with what is happening and see what has taken place in recent months.

Do you have ideas for further events and activities for the neighborhood that you would like to share with us? Then please contact us by e-mail or come to our neighborhood meeting point by appointment.

Download program

Upcoming activities

Cookery afternoon with overcooking

Tuesday, 18. February 2025,
3 - 6 PM

Location: Kiosk Zur FÜRstin, at the level of Appenzeller Strasse 127
The number of places is limited. Registration is mandatory:

We have a visit from Überkochen e.V.!
They are organising cooking workshops for children and young people. We will be given exciting information about the food used and cook delicious dishes together.

The number of places is limited. Registration is mandatory:

Photo exhibition in the kiosk Zur FÜRstin

Tuesday, 18. March 2025,
4 - 7 PM

Location: Kiosk Zur FÜRstin, at the level of Appenzeller Strasse 127
No registration required.

The Zur FÜRstin kiosk is also suitable as an exhibition space. We are therefore pleased to use the premises for a photo exhibition and invite all interested parties to a vernissage. Drinks and snacks will be provided. We look forward to a great afternoon!

No registration required.

Easter crafts with iron-on beads & Windowcolor#

Monday, 14. April 2025,
15 - 18 PM

Past activities


Music and fire bowl in the kiosk am Tuesday, 21. January 2025

On a cosy afternoon in January, we will meet at the ‘Zur FÜRstin’ kiosk. There will be live music and a fire bowl where you can warm up. We look forward to a winter afternoon with you.

Tuesday, 21. January 2025 , 4 - 7 PM

Location: Kiosk Zur FÜRstin, at the level of Appenzeller Strasse 127
Please register at:

Bake cookies & drink punch am Tuesday, 3. December 2024

Gemeinsam wollen wir die gemütliche Winterzeit einläuten und den Quartierspavillon mit köstlichen
Gerüchen nach Plätzchen und Punsch füllen. Es werden verschiedene Plätzchenrezepte ausprobiert und fleißig verziert. Über Rezeptvorschläge freuen wir uns!

Tuesday, 3. December 2024 , 3 - 6 PM

Location: Kiosk Zur FÜRstin, at the level of Appenzeller Strasse 127
Registration is requested.
Registration or questions:

Nature tour with a forester & drawing am Tuesday, 19. November 2024

Together with a forester, we explore the greenery and nature in the neighborhood and investigate animal tracks.

Exciting for children and adults alike. We meet at the neighborhood meeting point and start our exploration tour from there.

Tuesday, 19. November 2024 , 16 - 19

Location: Meeting point at the Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Strasse 111
Registration is requested.
Registration or questions:

Halloween pumpkin carving am Tuesday, 29. October 2024

We want to carve Halloween pumpkins together and look forward to your creative ideas. We will meet at the neighborhood pavilion “Kiosk Zur FÜRstin”.

Tuesday, 29. October 2024 , 16 - 19

Location: Neighborhood pavilion "Kiosk Zur FÜRstin"
(at the level of Appenzeller Strasse 127)

Summer Cinema am Friday, 30. August 2024

On a warm summer evening, we will set up a summer movie theater on the lawn at Garteninsel West. Deckchairs and a screen will be available to watch a movie together. There will also be popcorn and drinks. We look forward to everyone coming along at dusk.

Friday, 30. August 2024 , 19 - 22

Alternative date: Thursday, September 05
Meeting point at Garteninsel West, Appenzellerstraße 131

Kiosk Zur FÜRstin am Tuesday, 27. August 2024


Our quarter has grown: The new Quartierspavillon offers aromatic coffee, fresh cakes and hearty sandwiches in an inviting atmosphere. The pavilion, built from recycled materials, is located at Appenzeller Strasse 127.

Opening hours:
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, 27. August 2024 , 8 - 18

at the level of Appenzeller Strasse 127

Inauguration of the neighborhood pavilion am Thursday, 8. August 2024

The neighborhood pavilion will be officially opened. Over drinks and snacks, we want to inaugurate the new place for the neighborhood together and forge ideas on how we can turn this place into a lively meeting place for the neighborhood.

Thursday, 8. August 2024 , 16 - 19

Meeting point at the Quartierspavillon, Appenzellerstrasse 127

Games afternoon am Tuesday, 9. July 2024

Play together! We want to organize a games afternoon with backgammon, chess, memory and other games for young and old. Come and join us for a sociable afternoon at the Nachbarschaftstreff. Registration is requested!

Tuesday, 9. July 2024 , 15 - 18

Meeting point at the Garteninsel West, Appenzellerstrasse 131

Fürstenried on the move am Friday, 21. June 2024

This day in Fürstenried is all about sport. You can try out different sports with various offers. Local trainers will offer a varied program of different sports. Registration is requested. Registration or questions:

Friday, 21. June 2024 , 16 - 19

Meeting point at the Garteninsel West, Appenzellerstrasse 131

Musical garden party am Wednesday, 15. May 2024

Summer, sun and live music! To mark the start of summer, we are organising a garden party with live music at Garteninsel West. Michaela Dietl will be playing the accordion from 4-5pm. We cordially invite you! Food and drinks will be provided. Gardening enthusiasts can continue working on their raised beds. A flowering meadow will be created and games for children will be provided. Registration or questions:

Wednesday, 15. May 2024 , 16 - 19

Meeting point at the Garteninsel West, Appenzellerstrasse 131

Schnibbel party am Tuesday, 16. April 2024

Cooking and chopping together. We will provide vegetables and prepare a large pot of food. Afterwards, we will eat what we have cooked together at a long table in front of the neighborhood meeting place. All generations are cordially invited! Registration is requested. Registration or questions:

Tuesday, 16. April 2024 , 16 - 19

Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Str. 111

Easter campaign am Tuesday, 26. March 2024

Blow out and paint real Easter eggs from 3 pm. We use the contents of the Easter eggs to prepare Hoppel-Poppel (a potato pan with scrambled eggs), which are then eaten together in the neighborhood meeting place. At 16:00 there is an egg race for everyone who dares to balance an egg. Of course, there will also be a small prize for the winners! Registration is requested. Registration or questions:

Tuesday, 26. March 2024 , 15 - 18

Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Str. 111

Book flea market & cake am Friday, 16. February 2024

Do you have used books that you would like to pass on? We cordially invite you to our book flea market at the Nachbarschaftstreff. Come along with your books and sell them to people from the neighborhood.

Registration is requested. Registration or questions:

Are you interested? Download the event flyer now !

Friday, 16. February 2024 , 15 - 18

Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Str. 111

Art at the Treff & Vernissage am Tuesday, 30. January 2024

We want to get creative and paint and do handicrafts together. Afterwards, we will look at the artworks we have created and round off the evening with a small vernissage.

Registration is requested.
Registration or questions :

Are you interested? Download the event flyer now


Tuesday, 30. January 2024 , 16 - 19 Uhr

Location: Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Strasse 111


Handicraft meeting am Tuesday, 5. December 2023

The pre-Christmas period can be so cozy. You can knit and crochet at the handicraft meeting at the ASB senior center. If you don’t know how to do this yet or have always wanted to learn how to knit a scarf, this is the right place for you. Let’s have a cozy afternoon with a warm cup of tea.

Tuesday, 5. December 2023 , 15 - 18

Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Str. 111

Community Cooking am Tuesday, 7. November 2023

We want to explore the fall kitchen and invite you to an afternoon of cooking together. Using regional products, we will prepare various delicacies in the neighborhood meeting place under the motto “Apple journey and apple sauce”. The event is primarily aimed at children. Registration is requested.
Registration or questions:

Tuesday, 7. November 2023 , 16 - 19

Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Str. 111

Yard flea market & Repair Café am Saturday, 14. October 2023

The yard flea markets are a great opportunity to sell old things and find real treasures. We want to set up a flea market stand at the Nachbarschaftsstreff and offer a Repair Café where you can have your old electronics or bicycle repaired.

Saturday, 14. October 2023 , 10

Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Str. 111

Harvest festival & fall crafts am Tuesday, 12. September 2023

It’s harvest time and we want to marvel at the garden island together and harvest what has been sown this year. Here a pumpkin there a zucchini, now it’s time to harvest the crops from the raised beds. Afterwards, we can give free rein to our creativity with autumn crafts using collected natural materials. Alternative date: September 19, 2023

Tuesday, 12. September 2023 , 16 - 19

Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Str. 111

Opening of an art exhibition by a local artist am Tuesday, 8. August 2023

Mrs. Erika Tischer will be exhibiting her watercolors in the neighborhood meeting place under the title “Putting lights on everyday life”. Come to the exhibition opening and marvel at the light paintings with landscape and flower motifs. Find out more about the opening of the art exhibition in the Flyer.

Tuesday, 8. August 2023 , 16 - 19

Appenzeller Str. 111

Games afternoon | Coffee & cake am Tuesday, 25. July 2023

We would like to invite everyone from the neighborhood to our fun afternoon of games. Viking chess, Skat or Wizard – we invite you to play together with coffee and cake. You can find more information in the Flyer.

Tuesday, 25. July 2023 , 15 - 18

Neighborhood meeting place, Appenzeller Str. 111

Skateboard & circus workshop am Saturday, 24. June 2023

We kindly invite you all to a colorful afternoon with a skateboard and circus workshop! You are welcome to get a taste of the workshops offered by local clubs. They will show us valuable tips and tricks!

Saturday, 24. June 2023 , 12 - 16

Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Strasse 111

Garden party with inauguration of the garden islands am Friday, 12. May 2023

To mark the start of summer, we are organizing a garden party and cordially invite you to eat and drink at Garteninsel West. Children can discover the new playgrounds with a scavenger hunt and gardening enthusiasts can prepare their raised beds for the season.

Friday, 12. May 2023 , 15 - 18

Garteninsel West, bei Appenzeller Strasse 131

Easter activity including reading aloud for young and old am Tuesday, 4. April 2023

During the Easter activity, we prepare for Easter together: We do handicrafts in the neighborhood meeting place and older neighbors read to the younger ones. Participation is free of charge.

Tuesday, 4. April 2023 , 15 - 15

Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Strasse 111

Build & inaugurate exchange shelf am Tuesday, 21. March 2023

We would like to embellish and enlarge our swap shelf. To this end, we are building a new swap shelf on this day, which we will inaugurate together with you.

Tuesday, 21. March 2023 , 16 - 18

Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Strasse 111

Nordic Walking am Tuesday, 28. February 2023

Dear neighbors, we cordially invite you to our first event this year: Nordic walking together with two local trainers. We will meet at the neighborhood meeting point and explore the surrounding area on an easy tour. Sticks are not necessary for participation, but you are welcome to bring them. Participation is free of charge.

Tuesday, 28. February 2023 , 17 - 18

Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Strasse 111


Christmas is just around the corner am Thursday, 22. December 2022

Decorate your own gingerbread house and make beautiful Christmas cards for your loved ones.

There will also be hot children’s punch and cookies to keep you going!

Come along and join in, we look forward to seeing you, your parents, siblings and friends!

Thursday, 22. December 2022 , 14 - 18

Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Strasse 111

Halloween is just around the corner: spooky crafts & make-up am Tuesday, 25. October 2022

What you can expect:

Carve your own pumpkin face… Make a spooky garland… Get a spooky face painting! There’ll also be hot children’s punch and cookies to keep you going! Come along and join in, we look forward to seeing you, your parents, siblings and friends!

Tuesday, 25. October 2022 , 15 - 19

Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Strasse 111

Aktionstage Nachbarschaft: zwei Tage lang gemeinsame Aktionen in der Nachbarschaft – einfach vorbeikommen und mitmachen! am Thursday, 8. September 2022

Liebe Nachbar:innen,

bevor der Sommer sich verabschiedet, wollten wir die Chance nutzen und draußen zusammenkommen! Hierzu möchten wir Sie gerne zu unserer Sommeraktion einladen. Am 08.09 und 09.09 haben wir ein buntes Programm für Jung und Alt zusammengestellt.

Mit kostenlosem Eis vom Eiswagen möchten wir nachbarschaftlich den Sommer ausklingen lassen. Um unser neues Bücherregal zu füllen, werden wir eine Tombola veranstalten. Dabei erhalten Sie für jedes während der Aktionstage vorbeigebrachte Buch ein Los für die Tombola.

DONNERSTAG 8. SEPTEMBER bei der Garteninseln, Appenzeller Str. 135

12.00-16.00 Uhr: Werkeln und reparieren der Garteninsel
16.00-18.30 Uhr: Gemeinsame Spiele und Ausklang mit Kaffee und Kuchen

vor dem Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Str. 111

12.00 – 15.00 Uhr: Gemeinsames Basteln und Batiken Sie haben noch alte helle Kleidung zu Hause? Bringen Sie diese gerne mit!
15.00 – 17.00 Uhr: Schnibbelparty und Vorbereitung zum gemeinsamen Grillen
ab 17.30 Uhr: Nachbarschaftsdinner (jeder bringt etwas mit) und Live-Musik
19:00 Uhr: Tombolapreisverleihung

Wir sehen uns am 08. und 09. September!

Thursday, 8. September 2022 , 12 - 19

Garteninseln, Appenzeller Str. 135 & Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Str. 111

Hofflohmarkt 27.05.22: Nachbarschaft und Nachhaltigkeit am Friday, 27. May 2022

HOFFLOHMARKT am 27.05.22

Der Hofflohmarkt kommt nach Fürstenried West und wir möchten Sie einladen mitzumachen! Hierfür gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten:

1) Der Hof des Nachbarschaftstreff ist bereits als Verkaufsort angemeldet. Melden Sie sich bei uns, wenn Sie hier ebenfalls einen Stand aufbauen möchten.

2) Melden Sie Ihren eigenen Hof an unter:
So verteilt sich der Hofflohmarkt auf die ganze Nachbarschaft. Falls Sie Unterstützung suchen oder sich mit ihren Nachbar:innen zusammenschließen möchten, helfen wir Ihnen auch hier gerne weiter.

Wir sind begeistert über Ihr Engagement bei unserer Sammelaktion für die Ukraine. Momentan können wir keine weiteren Spenden annehmen. Wir möchten daher die vorschlagen den Hofflohmarkt als Spendenaktion zu nutzen und die Erlöse zu spenden.

Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Straße 111
Di 15:00-18:00 und Fr 9:00-12:00
Tel.: 089 744 244 011

Friday, 27. May 2022 , 10 - 16

Nachbarschaftstreff, Appenzeller Straße 111

Start spring with a raised bed: the new gardening season can begin am Thursday, 31. March 2022

It’s that time again, the new gardening season is just around the corner and we still have raised beds available! At our two garden islands, Appenzeller Strasse 131 and Bellinzonastrasse 2, you have the opportunity to grow your own fruit and vegetables. Fragrant herbs, crunchy vegetables and sweet berries – right on your doorstep! You can register for a bed until March 31. The fee for the 2022 season is €30. We provide water and gardening tools.

Registration by mail to

Thursday, 31. March 2022 , 10 - 19

Appenzeller Strasse 131 und Bellinzonastrasse 2

Your feedback is needed!: Survey with prize draw among all participating addresses so that we can inform the winners. am Sunday, 16. January 2022

This year we started to build up the neighborhood program in Fürstenried West. In the summer, we organized many great activities in the countryside together with you. We also created new shared spaces. We also have a lot planned for next year. We would be delighted to receive your feedback so that we can better respond to your wishes! **Filling out the survey takes about 5 minutes. **Participation is of course voluntary and anonymous.

Participation is possible until January 16, 2022. All participants will be entered into a prize draw to win a voucher worth €20 from the “VorOrt” café, €25 from Münchner Bäder and €35 from the “Fahrradpoint” bicycle repair shop. To take part, please provide a telephone number or e-mail address so that we can inform the winners.

Sunday, 16. January 2022 , 8 - 23


Harvest festival am Saturday, 23. October 2021

We would like to end the summer together at a cozy neighborhood party. Come along to the garden island with friends and family. We will bring small snacks and drinks. We look forward to seeing you! We would like to collect photos of the best harvests and most beautiful beds! Send us a photo to our e-mail address or bring a printout with you. We would be delighted if you let us know by e-mail or contact us directly. Or simply drop by!

Saturday, 23. October 2021 , 12 - 18

Appenzeller Strasse 111

Action: Create flowering meadows am Saturday, 2. October 2021

On October 2, hard-working neighbors planted a flowering meadow in the courtyard of Appenzeller Straße 131 in beautiful sunshine. The meadow will bloom next spring and provide plenty of food for the insects in the insect hotel next door. Of course, there was also time to sit together and chat. First we cut the turf with spades. This made us work up quite a sweat, as there were lots of stones and even chunks of concrete in the ground. Then we dug around and leveled the soil with sand. This is because the flowering meadow needs soil that is as lean as possible. After a joint lunch break, the seeds could then be sown. Now we are really looking forward to spring!

Saturday, 2. October 2021 , 9 - 18

Appenzeller Strasse 131

Workshop: Building an insect hotel am Saturday, 4. September 2021

Insects sometimes have a hard time in today’s cities. Our houses and streets are not really homey for them – they prefer structures that they know from nature. Fortunately, it’s easy to do something about it: Build insect hotels. That’s exactly what we did in a workshop on September 4th. We created two great new shelters for a wide variety of insect species. The two insect hotels can be admired in the immediate vicinity of the garden island at Appenzeller Strasse 131.

Saturday, 4. September 2021 , 15 - 18

Appenzeller Strasse 131

Workshop: Building an insect hotel am Saturday, 21. August 2021

Insects sometimes have a hard time in today’s cities. Our houses and streets are not really homely for them – they prefer structures that they know from nature. Fortunately, it’s easy to do something about this: Build insect hotels. That’s exactly what we did in a workshop on August 21. This resulted in two great new shelters for a wide variety of insect species. The two insect hotels can be admired in the immediate vicinity of the garden island at Bellinzonastrasse 2.

Saturday, 21. August 2021 , 15 - 18

Bellinzonastrasse 2

Walk: Discovering habitats am Thursday, 19. August 2021

Together with landscape architect Ursula Hochrein, we discovered the diverse flora and fauna of the neighborhood during the habitat walk. The walk was a great opportunity to share experiences and impressions and learn a lot about local bird and insect species.

Thursday, 19. August 2021 , 14 - 18

Construction of second garden island am Thursday, 24. June 2021

Over the course of one day, we built another garden island consisting of 10 beds at Bellinzonastrasse 2. Some tenants of the beds from garden island 1 moved to the new island, and the remaining beds were quickly taken.

Thursday, 24. June 2021 , 11 - 18

Bellinzonastrasse 2

Garden day: 2nd birthday garden island am Saturday, 15. May 2021

We celebrated the third year of the garden island! We were on site with drinks and a small plant sale. Old and new gardeners came in large numbers and had the opportunity to get to know us and each other. All the beds have been allocated for this year.

Saturday, 15. May 2021 , 11 - 18



What is on offer for you in the FÜRstenried West district? Since summer 2021, new offers have gradually been added in your neighborhood in Munich, which you can discover and use for yourself on an ongoing basis.
All offers should also be available to you in the long term.
Check back from time to time to see what’s new for you!

Reading help in the neighborhood!

We offer reading help for children and adults. Would you like to learn to read better? For example, for school or to understand German better? Then come and join us!

You can register here: Simply send an e-mail to

When and where?
Day and time by arrangement.
Classes take place in the kiosk.
Address: Appenzellerstrasse 127.

We look forward to seeing you!

Kiosk “Zur FÜRstin” new opening hours

The new neighborhood pavilion offers aromatic coffee, fresh cakes and hearty sandwiches in an inviting atmosphere.
The pavilion, built from recycled materials, is located on the meadow at Appenzeller Str. 129.

New opening hours: The new kiosk is now open for you every Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 am to 6 pm.

We look forward to your visit! At the height of Appenzeller Straße 127.

Book exchange shelf

This is how it works! Do you have a well-preserved book and don’t know where to put it?
Our book exchange shelf gives your treasures a second chance.
You are welcome to bring your books and put them on the shelf with the others. You are not obliged to donate anything if you take something out.

You are also welcome to simply browse for a new and exciting read.
We wish you lots of fun and success with your swap! Please do not put any broken books on the shelf. We will sort out what is not needed and pass it on. Thank you for your understanding.


Exchange shelf

This is how it works! The swap shelf in the FÜRstenried West quarter in Munich gives items a second chance.
Simply drop off what you no longer need or come by to browse.
However, you are not obliged to donate anything if you take something out.
We ask you not to put any broken or unusable items on the shelves.
We will sort out what is not needed and pass it on. Larger donations Would you like to donate something that is too big for the swap shelf?
No problem, just drop by during our opening hours and we will put a notice in our window.

Garden furniture rental

Would you like to get together with family, friends or neighbors in the green spaces of the FÜRstenried West district?
At the neighborhood office, you can borrow a small selection of garden furniture for beautiful summer days, which you can set up anywhere in the open space around your apartment for a short time.
Currently there are already beer table sets, parasols, gazebos and colorful deck chairs to borrow! Would you like to borrow a piece of furniture? – This is how it works: Write an e-mail to the neighborhood team or drop by the neighborhood meeting point by prior arrangement.
We will then arrange together when and where the furniture can be handed over.
You are also welcome to use the furniture for one or more days in the neighborhood in return for a small deposit and a small contribution towards expenses.

Gardening and harvesting

If you enjoy planting, watering and, above all, harvesting, you can apply for a raised bed in one of the garden islands in your neighborhood.
The beds are rented out to enthusiastic gardeners every season for a fee of 30 euros.
Whether you are a beginner or a professional, everyone is welcome to take part in urban gardening! Would you like to garden yourself?These options are available:

  • Garden Island West: at the level of Appenzeller Str. 131
  • Garden Island East: at the level of Bellinzonastr. 2

Contact the neighborhood team by email or come to the neighborhood meeting point during our office hours to apply for a bed in one of the garden islands.
Note: Existing tenants have priority in the allocation of beds in the garden islands, but there are still many beds to be allocated each year.

“News from the neighborhood” – the newspaper for the FÜRstenried West neighborhood With the neighborhood newspaper, we would like to give you an overview of current and future offers in your FÜRstenried West neighborhood in Munich.
You can also download all past issues digitally from the archive below.
Additional printed copies are available at the neighborhood meeting point or at our information points.

Current issue:

Past issues




What places are there to discover in the FÜRstenried West district? Since the first garden island was built in summer 2019, new places and meeting points have gradually been created in the district that are open to all neighbors.
For example, there is now a second garden island and a so-called “open-air neighborhood room” to explore.
You can find all the places and points of contact at a glance on the map:


1 Neighborhood room

What's here?
Directly next to the garden island at Appenzeller Straße 131, a so-called "neighborhood room" was set up in the open air in summer 2021. The room is equipped with various pieces of garden furniture, all of which can be used for various green spaces - whether for eating together, relaxing after gardening in the garden island or reading in peace. There is also a table with benches, a sun lounger, small stools and pretty climbing plants.
How can I apply for a room on my doorstep?
If you would also like an outdoor room on your doorstep, find a few neighbors in your area who are also interested. With a small group of 2-5 committed people, you can apply to us for your own room. Together we will find out where there is a suitable location in your area and what your own room could look like.
Please be considerate of your neighbors!
Please be considerate of your neighbors and other users during your stay. Please dispose of your own garbage, be careful with the furniture and keep your volume down during your stay. In this way, we can maintain the room as a beautiful place that is an enrichment for everyone.


2 Garden Island West | Appenzeller Str. 131

What's here?
The garden island was created in 2019 so that neighbors in Fürstenried West in Munich can grow and harvest their own fruit and vegetables. The open space on the doorstep can now be used in a new way and can be enjoyed by all residents with fragrant herbs, crunchy vegetables and sweet berries. Around the individually rented beds of the garden islands there are so-called snack beds without numbers, which are available to everyone. Harvest raspberries, currants or lettuce, for example. All visitors are also invited to keep an eye on the snack beds in the garden islands and water them if necessary.
Would you like your own bed?
Anyone can register for a bed in the garden island at the start of the gardening season for a fee of 30 euros. This bed can then be dug, planted and finally harvested.
Please be careful!
All gardeners cultivate their beds with a lot of love and time. When you visit the garden island, please make sure that you don't take anything from the private beds and leave everything tidy. However, you are of course allowed to look and marvel at the urban gardening!


3 Neighborhood meeting place

What's here and why?
On the first floor of Appenzeller Straße 111, we as a neighborhood team have a small neighborhood meeting place where we are available for you personally by appointment. You are welcome to come to us here with any concerns about the open space in the FÜRstenried West district and our activities or tell us your ideas for further activities.
When is the office open?
The office is open by appointment and during events in the half-yearly program. In addition, the weekly tenant consultation hours take place here every Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm. Please register in advance at
How can I reach the office?
We can also be contacted by e-mail at any time and will get back to you as soon as possible:


4 Garden Island East | Bellinzonastr. 2

What's here?
As the first garden island in Appenzeller Straße was in great demand, another garden island was set up at a different location in the neighborhood in summer 2021: at Bellinzonastraße 2. Beds without their own numbers are so-called snack beds that all neighbors can help themselves to. There are strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and other delicious fruit to pick. Everyone is invited to keep an eye on the snack beds in the garden islands and water them if necessary - urban gardening at its best.
Would you like your own bed?
Anyone can register for a bed in the garden island at the start of the gardening season for a fee of 30 euros. This bed can then be dug, planted and finally harvested.
Please be careful!
All gardeners cultivate their beds with a lot of love and time. When you visit the garden island, please make sure that you don't take anything from the private beds and leave everything tidy. However, you are of course allowed to look and marvel at the urban gardening!


5 Neighborhood pavilion

What's here?
The new neighborhood pavilion offers aromatic coffee, fresh cakes and hearty sandwiches in an inviting atmosphere. The pavilion, built from recycled materials, is located on the meadow at Appenzeller Str. 129.

The team

The team

The people behind the Nachbarschaftstreff in the FÜRstenried West quarter in Munich

We would love to get to know you all!
This year, we are organizing an activity for each month in the FÜRstenried West neighbourhood. We are also taking care of the rental and maintenance of the garden islands, building swap shelves and bookcases. If you have a request to rent the Nachbarschaftstreff for a private party, you are also in contact with us.

We look forward to hearing from you.
See you soon!

Susanna Walter, Elisa Maschmeier & Pauline Sirch
(from left to right)

Contact us

Neighborhood meeting place

Appenzeller Straße 111 81475 Munich

Office hours

By arrangement